Wellness Group at Chrysalis

Along with the vibrant energy of renewal that spring has brought to the Chrysalis campus, the fast approaching summer entices us to charge ahead, utilizing the renewal of spring to go full force into an adventure packed summer. This fresh energetic time requires of us to meet some approaching endings: the spring school semester, and the end of our spring Wellness Group on campus.

I have been honored to lead the Wellness Group on campus over the past 2 years.  The purpose of this group is to help girls explore the following: what is wellness and why is it important; what is your intention for wellness in your current journey; how are our ideals of body image  formed through messaging – myth busting; personal accounts of healthy living and healthy body Image; and how can we improve on our own image and lifestyle? We share our ideas of how to prioritize wellness in our lives.

This spring 2015 group has been particularly ambitious.  The girls have brought a hunger to learn more about foods that contain healthy nutrients and important vitamins as well a willingness to be open about their journey with their physical body.  They are ready to charge ahead into the summer with new perspectives on their health and wellness.

I am inspired by these young women and each of their intentions to become their best-self. As we continue into summer my hope is that these girls carry with them their recently cultivated motivation to be gentle and honest with their bodies. Our final spring group commences this upcoming Monday, and we look forward to developing a space this summer where the girls can continue this important journey together in community.

Ashton Snyder

Residential Program Supervisor


Chrysalis School